Bogdan Manolea

“Every child should have a computer”. This political statement is heard frequently but is that enough for an ICT policy?

“Every child should have a computer”. This political statement is often heard, especially in countries where the ICT penetration has not reached the tipping point. But is that enough for an ICT policy? Should we give every human being on the planet a computer, if we limit the Internet, by ICT policies, to what we want to be (by ignoring net neutrality claims)? Should we give every human being a computer just to be thrown in the backyard at the end of its (short) life?

The answer depends probably just on us and how do we see the ICT policies, beyond the immediate objective. The GISW 2010 report suggests to look beyond this immediate objective to a subject that may be seen far away from the ICT world: sustainability and protecting environment.


Bogdan Manolea

Executive director APTI, Romania