Institutional overview


Ethiopian Free and Open Source Software Network (EFOSSNet)


The global interest and movement to address climate change is led by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The IPCC, established in 1989 by the World Meteorological Organization and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), has since led a number of deliberations and consultations to get a better understanding of the causes of climate change, its impacts, and mitigation and adaptation strategies.1  

Limits to technology: The ecological boundaires of the Information age

"Limits to technology examines the role of resource depletion and the ecological limits to human society"s future use of "technical systems" - a broad term covering not only our use of computers and mobile technologies, but also the electronics, metals and chemical components of everyday goods and products, and the latest "green technologies".

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Internet, technology and climate change: APC invites you to a virtual book launch, December 20

A new report from APC and Hivos looks at ICTs and environmental sustainability in 2010 in 53 countries, six regions and through ten expert thematic reports. We invite you to a virtual launch of the report and chance to talk with the book's authors.

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(Re)claiming the environment

Climate change is presented as a crisis: by the scientific community, global institutions, governments and the media. Its urgency provokes the need for mainstreaming environmental concerns in the information and communications technology for development (ICT4D) sector. While analysts argue that climate change magnifies development inequalities, it is also likely to magnify political disagreements and fault lines – already the case at global forums such as the recent negotiations in Copenhagen.