
Global Information Society Watch 2017

Special Edition

Unshackling expression: A study on laws criminalising expression online in Asia

Coordinating committee

Gayatri Khandhadai - APC

Pavitra Ramanujam - APC

Geetha Hariharan

Project coordinator

Gayatri Khandhadai - APC

Edition Coordinator

Geetha Hariharan

Assistant editor, publication production

Lori Nordstrom  - APC

Graphic design


A methodology for mapping the emerging legal landscapes for human rights in the digitally networked sphere

Authored by



The methodology used to conduct the research for Unshackling Expression is based on a methodology developed by SMEX. This chapter provides an overview of the methodology's development and use. For the purposes of our own research, the methodology, insofar as it related to the classification of laws into legal foundations, fundamental rights and freedoms, governance of online and networked spaces, sectoral laws and other laws, was especially helpful in defining the scope and limitations.